Thursday, June 23, 2016


Couples who shares Housework Equally will Have more S@x !

If doing household duty is something that you’d rather your partner take care of then you really need to throw up your sleeves and start helping them. A recent study has revealed that dividing up housework honestly can actually improve your s@x life. Researchers found that although there  
has been an international drop in the frequency of s@x in relationships, the only couples undergo an increase are those who ‘adhere to an equal division of labor’.
When only one person in the relationship does a major share of the housework (or all of it), there is a decrease in the frequency of their s@x sessions. On the other hand, couples who shared housework equally had sex 6.8 times per month on average. The study, which will be published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, has confirmed previous findings that stressed on the important role that housework plays for having a fulfilling marital relationship.