Tuesday, July 12, 2016


10 Health Benefits of having S@x!

The secret of a healthy life was far easy than dieting or running on the treadmill. According to experts, having s@x at regular interval can really be useful for your health and can also keep you fit. They also claim that it can improve your immune system, increase your blood circulation and increases your lifespan. As reported by DailyMail, Dr.David Weeks, A clinical neuropsychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, believes the most effective way to keep your modern looks is to maintain an active love life.

Here are 10 health benefits of having s@x:

S@x keeps you looking young:

As per experts people who have s@x three to four times, a week look four and seven years younger. The logic behind this is that s@x is an aerobic form of exercise and it promotes skin rejuvenation. Strong action during s@x means higher levels of oxygen are being pumped around the body making blood flow and nutrients to the skin's surface, according to Daily Mail.

S@x boosts your desire:

“Having s@x will make s@x better and will improve your libido,” says Lauren Streicher, For women, having s@x increases vaginal lubrication, blood flow, and flexibility, she says, all of which make s@x feel better and help you desire more of it.

S@x makes you fit:

Though you wouldn’t decrease all your weight just at once, you can surely burn 100 to 250 calories per hour. S@x also works and exercises the major muscle groups. But you have active s@x every week you can burn 5,000 calories a year. The similar of a 50 mile run at a slow speed, says expert. But having sex most often and going to the gym will help you burn more calories.

S@x decreases your blood pressure:

Many research suggests the link between lower BP and s@x. “One landmark study found that s@xual intercourse specifically (not masturbation) lowered systolic blood pressure,” says Joseph J. Pinzone, MD. He is CEO and medical director of Amai Wellness.

S@x raise your mood:

When a woman reaches the point of orgasm, they release a s@x hormone known as oxytocin. It’s produced by the pituitary gland and oval gland. Oxytocin leads to the generation of emotional feelings which develops a bond between the partners.

S@x keeps you strong:

Did you know S@xual intercourse raises levels of insulin-like growth factors (IGF)? IGF is a hormone that controls the activity of enzymes within those cells responsible for fat metabolism. When higher levels of IGF are released, this helps to break down fatty tissue in the body and promote lean muscle instead, as per DailyMail.

S@x improves your immunity:

Studies have concluded that orgasm can stimulate the immune system. An American study by Dr.Dudley Chapman of Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine reveals that breast cancer sufferers who undergo regular orgasms recovered faster than those who didn't. Orgasm boosts a level of T3 and T4 lymphocyte cells.

S@x reduces stress:

Scientific evidence reveals that orgasm triggers the release of endorphin. It’s a feel-good chemical secreted by a brain that does the work of a painkiller. As a higher level of blood floods during orgasm, it automatically takes away pressure from the brain.

S@x lowers heart attack risk:

A good sex life is good for the heart. Sex also keeps your testosterone and estrogen levels in balance. When either one of it is low one faces heart problems. Hence it is recommended to have s@x at least 3 times a week.

S@x improves your sleep:

 “After orgasm, the hormone prolactin is released, which is responsible for the feelings of relaxation and sleepiness" after s@x